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The High Nobility and the Imperial Constitution

The Imperial Assembly

The Imperial Circles

Last updated Apr 2, 2010

The German Ruling Houses

Since the French Revolution of 1789

The English-German Dictionary

Holy Roman Empire = heiliges römisches Reich
Confederation of the Rhine = Rheinbund
German Confederation = Deutsche Bund
Imperial Circle = Reichskreis
Imperial Assembly = Reichstag
Imperial Estate = Reichsstand
Estate = Stand
immediate = unmmitelbar
Emperor = Kaiser
King = König
Grand Duke = Grossherzog
Archduke = Erzherzog
Duke = Herzog
Prince = Fürst, Prinz
Royal Prince = köninglicher Prinz
Prince-Elector/ Elector = Kurfürst
Margrave/Marquess = Markgraf
Landgrave = Landgraf
Burgrave = Burggraf
Count = Graf
Princely Count = gefürsteter Graf
Count-Palatine = Pfalzgraf
Baron = Freiherr
Noble Lord = Edler Herr
Lord = Herr
Knight = Ritter
Voice = Stimme
Overlordship = Hoheit
Final Recess of the Imperial Deputation = Reichsdeputationshauptschluss
Council of the Electors = Kurfürstenrat
Council of the Princes = Fürstenrat
College of the Imperial Counts = Reichsgrafenkollegium


HRE : the Holy Roman Empire
[Erbach, Breuberg, Wildenstein] : Imperial immediate territories included in Imperial Circles, if not otherwise described.
[Knightly possessions] : immediate territories included in Imperial Knightly Circles.
(+ ) : a territory was acquired
(- ) : a territory was lost
(+ $) a territory was bought
(- $) : a territory was sold
* ------------------ : the changes introduced by the Final Recess of the Imperial Deputation of 1803
*(- ) : a territory was lost by the treaty of Lunéville (1801)
*(+ ) : a territory was acquired by the Final Recess (1803)
(-M) : a territory was mediatized
(-M)(state) : a territory was mediatized by a state.
^ (+ ) : a territory was restored after the fall of Napoleoic Germany in 1813:
(#) : a branch of a house became extinct in the male line
(Kings of Prussia): major possessions outside the Empire
[1798-1806] : years of sovereign rule in Imperial immediate territories.
[1798-*] : years of sovereign rule that ended with the French occupation of Imperial immediate territories.
(These loses were finally confirmed by the treaty of Lunéville in 1803)
(1760-1823) : years of life
(+1823) : a year of death
~ 1786 : a marriage and its year (shown for all the female rulers; for the male persons shown when their spouses were rulers of their own rights)
// : comments
Prss : Princess
Ctss : Countess

Voices in the Imperial Assembly

(Electors) : voices in the Council of Electors
(Princes) : individual voices in the Council of the Princes
(Swabia) : voices in the College of the Imperial Counts of Swabia
(Franconia) : voices in the College of the Imperial Counts of Franconia
(Wetterau) : voices in the College of the Imperial Counts of Wetterau
(Westphalia) : voices in the College of the Imperial Counts of Westphalia
(Princes:%), (Franconia:%) : shared voices
(Princes:3), (Westphalia:2) : several voices in the same Council or College
* (Electors) : the new voices in the Councils of Electors promised by the Final Recess of 1803
* (Princes) : the new individual voices in the Councils of Princes promised by the Final Recess of 1803

The Families' attributes

* - the Imperial Estate status by 1600
^ - the Imperial Princely rank by 1806 (at the end of the Empire)

The groups based on devision of Almanach de Gotha and Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels

[I] The European houses that reigned in the 19th and 20th centuries (after 1815).
[II] The German high noble houses equal by birth to the reigning houses (Genealogie der deutschen standesherrlichen Häuser).
[III] The non-reigning Ducal and Princely houses of Europe.
[IV] The German comital houses not included in the [II] Group (Genealogisches Handbuch der Gräflichen Häuser).

The Roman Emperors and Kings of Germany

Joseph II (1741-1790) [1765-1790]
Leopold II (1747-1792) [1790-1792]
Franz II (1768-1835) [1792-1806]

Notes to the lists:
The brief historical notes show the families' origin, their status in the 15th century, years of acquisition
of the Imperial immediacy, the status of Imperial Estate, the status of Imperial Circle Estate and the Imperial titles.
(The years of acquisition of the non-Imperial titles given when they were higher than the highest Imperial titles of the families').

By the end of the 15th century all families named as 'ancient immediate' had the Imperial immediacy, the status of Imperial Estate and
(with the exception of the family of Salm-Reifferscheidt) the status of Imperial Circle Estate.

The list of territories includes the Imperial immediate territories that were represented in the Assemblies of the Imperial Circles and/or
were mentioned in the families' titles of dominion.

The list of territories also includes the Imperial immediate territories (but not the free Imperial cities)
redistributed by the Final Recess of the Imperial Deputation of 1803.

I. The Ruling Houses
with the right to vote in the Imperial Assembly (Reichstag)
and in Assemblies of the Imperial Circles

(The apanage branches, which had neither Landeshoheit nor repersentation in the Imperial Assembly, were not included in the list:
e.g. Hesse-Philippsthal, Lippe-Biesterfeld, Lippe-Weissenfels, Reuss-Köstritz, Holstein-Sonderburg,, etc.)

- Abensberg-Traun [IV]

- Anhalt [I] * ^

- Arenberg [II] * ^

- Aspremont-Lynden 1819(#)
(A noble family (Lynden).
1590 immediate Barons of Reckheim.
1590 HRE Barons.
1623 HRE Counts.
1623 Imperial Estate)
[Reckheim] *(- )
* ------------------
[Baindt] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Johann-Nepomuk-Gobert (1732- Mar 1805) [1749-1805]
Johann-Nepomuk-Gobert (1757-1816) [1805-1806]

- Auersperg [II]
(A noble family.
1550 HRE Barons.
1630 HRE Counts)

{Branch of Johann-Weikhard +1677} ^
(1653 HRE Princes.
1663 immediate Lords of Thengen.
1664 Estate of the Swabian Imperial Circle in the bench of Princes.
1664 Princely Counts of Thengen.
1654 Imperial Estate.
1654-1791 non-immediate Dukes in Silesia at Münsterberg & Frankenstein.
1791 non-immediate Dukes of Gottschee (in the Austrian hereditary lands))
1654 (Princes)
(HRE Prince of Auersperg,
Duke of Silesia at[zu] Münsterberg & Frankenstein,
Princely Count of Thengen,
Count of Wels & Gottschee,
Lord of Schönberg & Seissenberg, etc)
1791 (HRE Prince of Auersperg,
Duke of Gottschee,
Princely Count of Thengen,
Count of Wels,
Lord of Schönberg & Seissenberg, etc)
[Thengen/Tengen] 1806(-M)(Baden)
Karl-Joseph-Anton (1720-1800) [1783-1800]
Wilhelm (1749-1822) [1800-1806]

- Austria (Österreich) [I] * ^

- Baden [I] * ^

- Bassenheim see Waldbott of Bassenheim

- Bavaria (Bayern) & the Palatinate (Pfalz) [I] * ^

- Bentheim [II] *

- Bömelberg / Bemelberg 1826(#)
(A noble family(Boineburg).
1571 HRE Barons of Bemelberg.
1800 immediate Lords of Gemen.
(?) 1800/01 Imperial Estate)
(?) 1800/1801 (Westphalia)
(HRE Baron of Bömelberg)
[Gemen/Gehmen] 1800(+ ), 1806(-M)(Salm-Kyrburg)
Alois-Sebastian(1756-1826) [1800-1806]

- Brandenburg [I] * ^

- Bretzenheim [III] ^ 1863(#)
(A bastard line of an ancient princely family (Bavaria & Palatine).
1769 Counts of Heydeck (in the Palatinate)
1774 HRE Counts of Bretzenheim.
1780 immediate Lords of Bretzenheim.
1789 HRE Princes of Bretzenheim.
1790 Imperial Estate)
(HRE Prince of Bretzenheim)
1790 (Westphalia)
[Bretzenheim, Winzenheim] 1780(+ ), *(- )
* ------------------
[Lindau] *(+ ), 1803(- $)
Karl-August (1768-1823) [1780/89- Apr 1803]
// a natural son of Karl-Theodor, Elector & Count-Palatine

- Brunswick (Braunschweig) [I] * ^

- Castell [II] *
(An ancient immediate comital family. Counts of Castell)
(Count of Castell)

{Castell-Remlingen, 1803 Castell-Castell}
[Castell] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Albrecht-Friedrich-Karl (1766-1810) [1773-1806]
// 1773-1803 in Castell-Castell & Remlingen(joint rule)

{New Castell-Rüdenhausen} 1803
[Castell] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Christian-Friedrich (1772-1850) [1773-1806]
// 1773-1803 in Castell-Castell & Remlingen(joint rule)
// 1803-1806 in Castell-Rüdenhausen

{Old Castell-Rüdenhausen} 1803(#)
Friedrich-Ludwig-Karl-Christian (1746-Feb 1803) [1749-1803]

- Colloredo (1789 Colloredo-Mansfeld) [II] ^
(A noble family.
1588 Barons (in Austria).
1591 HRE Barons.
1724 HRE Counts.
1737 (personal) Imperial Estate.
1763 HRE Princes.
Dec 1803 immediate Counts of Rieneck.
1804 immediate Counts of Limpurg-Speckfeld)
(HRE Prince of Colloredo (1789 Colloredo-Mansfeld),
Count of Waldsee,
Vice-Count[Vizegraf] of Mels,
Margrave [Marchese] of St.Sophia)
(Swabia:personalist), 180..(Franconia)
[Rieneck] (+ $)1803, 1806(-M)(Regensburg)
[Limpurg-Speckfeld] (+ $)1804, 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Franz-Gandakkar(1731-1807) [Dec 1803-1806]
~1771 Maria Isabella Countess of Mansfeld (1750-1794)

- Denmark see Holstein [I] * ^

- Dietrichstein [II] ^ 1880(#)
(A noble family.
1514 HRE Barons.
1612 HRE Counts.
1631 HRE Princes.
1654 Imperial Estate.
1684 immediate Lords of Trasp)
1654 (Princes)
(HRE Prince of Dietrichstein in Nikolsburg/Nicolsburg,
Count of Proskau,
Lord of Trasp)
1802 + (Count of Leslie)
[Trasp/Tarasp] *(- )1803(Switzerland)
* ------------------
[Neu-Ravensberg/ Neuravensberg] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Johann-Baptist-Karl(1728-1808) [1782-1806]

- Erbach [II] *
(An ancient immediate family. Immediate Lords of Erbach.
1532 HRE Counts)

(Count of Erbach,
Lord of Breuberg)
[Erbach] 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
Christian-Karl-August (-Albrecht) (1757-1803) [1784-1803]
Albrecht-August-Ludwig (1787-1851) [1803-1806]

(Count of Erbach & Limpurg,
Lord of Breuberg)
[Erbach] 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
Franz (1754-1823) [1757-1806]

[Erbach, Breuberg, Wildenstein] 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
Christian (1728-1799) [1788-1799]
Karl I (1732-1816) [1799-1806]

- Este ^
(An ancient Italian immediate family (Este)

{Modena} 1803(#)
(Immediate Margraves of Este.
1452-1796 Dukes of Modena (in Italy).
1803 Imperial Estate.
1803 immediate rulers of Breisgau and Ortenau
* ------------------
* (Princes:2)
(Dukes of Modena and Reggio)
(Duke of Modena, Reggio & Mirandola)
* ------------------
[Breisgau, Ortenau] *(+ )
Hercules(Ercole)(III) Rinaldo (1727-Oct 1803) [Feb 1803-March 1803]
// 1780-1796 Duke of Modena
~1741 Maria-Teresa of Cibo-Malaspina (1721-1790) Duchess of Massa,Prss of Carrara.

{Brunswick} see Brunswick

- Fürstenberg [II] * ^
(An ancient immediate comital family (Urach and Freiburg). Counts of Fürstenberg.
1283 Landgraves in the Baar.
1639 Landgraves of Stühlingen.
1664/1716 HRE Princes)
1667 (Princes)
* ------------------
(HRE Prince of Fürstenberg;
Landgrave in the Baar, of Stühlingen;
Count of Heiligenberg, Werdenberg;
Baron of Gundelfingen;
Lord of Hausen im Kinzinger Thal, Trochtelfingen, Möskirch, Hohenhöwen, Wildenstein, Jungnau, Waldsberg, Werenwag, Weitra & Püglitz)
[Werdenberg, Waldsberg/Waldsperg, Hausen/Haussen, Wildenstein] 1806(-M)(Baden)
[Baar, Stühlinen, Heiligenberg, Hohenhöwen/Hohenhöven/Hewen/Heben] 1806(-M)(Baden)
[Möskirch/Mösskirch/Messkirch] 1806(-M)(Baden, Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen)
[Jungnau, Trochtelfingen] 1806(-M)(Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen)
[Gundelfingen, Neufra] 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Joseph (1758-1796) [1783-1796]
Karl (1771-1804) [1796-1804]
Karl-Egon II (1796-1854) [1804-1806]

- Fugger [II] *
(A burger family.
1511 HRE Nobility.
1507 owners of the non-immediate county of Kirchberg.
1514/1530 HRE Counts.
1536 immediate Lords of Glött.
1538 immediate Lords of Babenhausen
1563 Estate of the Swabian Imperial Circle in the bench of Counts)
(Count of Kirchberg & Weissenhorn)

(Count Fugger of Glött,
Lord of Oberndorf,
Count of Kirchberg & Weissenhorn)
[Glött, Elgau, Hilgartschberg, Oberndorf] Apr 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Leopold-Vitus (1748-1804) [1763-1804]
Joseph-Sebastian-Eligius (1749-1826) [1763/1804- Apr 1806]

(Count Fugger,
Lord of Kirchheim,
Count of Kirchberg & Weissenhorn)
[Kirchheim, Eppichhausen, Schmüchen, Türkenfeld] Apr 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Joseph-Hugo (1763-1840) [1780- Apr 1806]

{Fugger-Mickhausen} 1804(#)
[Mickhausen, Schwindegg]
Joseph-Franz-Xaver (1731-1804) [1779-1804]

[Dutenstein, Diemingen,Wangenhof, Norndorf, Ehingen, Lauterbronn] Apr 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Karl-Anton (1776-1848) [1784- Apr 1806]

{Fugger-Babenhausen/Branch of Jakob} ^
(1803 HRE Princes)
1803 (Princes)
1803 (HRE Prince Fugger of Babenhausen,
Lord of Boos, Heimertingen, Wald, Wellenburg, Burgwalden & Markt,
Count of Kirchberg & Weissenhorn)
[Babenhausen, Markt-Biberbach, Boos, Heimertingen] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
[Gaiblingen/Gablingen, Wellenburg/ Wöllenburg, Wald, Röttenbach] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Anselm-Victorian-Jakob-Raymand-Johann-Nepomuk(1729-1793) [1759-1793]
Anselm-Maria-Joseph-Christoph-Johann-Baptist...(1766-1821) [1793-1806]

- Hanover (Hannover) [I] * ^

- Hatzfeld [III] ^
(A noble family)

{Hatzfeld-Crottorf in Gleichen} 1794(#)
(1635 HRE Counts.
1639 owners of the County of Gleichen.
1640 Imperial Estate.
1640 immediate HRE Counts of Gleichen.
1741 non-immediate Princes of Trachenberg in Prussia.
1748 HRE Princes)
1748 (HRE Prince of Hatzfeld-Gleichen-Trachenberg,
Baron of Wildenburg,
Lord of Crottorf, Schönstein, Kranichfeld, Blankenhain,...)
[Gleichen, Blankenhayn/Blankenhain, Kranichfeld: under overlordship of Mainz]
Friedrich-Karl-Franz-Cajetan (1776-1794) [1779-1794]

- Hesse (Hessen) [I] * ^

- Hohenlohe [II] * ^
(An ancient immediate family. Immediate Lords of Hohenlohe.
1450 HRE Counts of Ziegenhain)

{old Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Öhringen} 1805(#)
(1764 HRE Princes)
* ------------------
* (Princes)
(HRE Prince of Hohenlohe,
Count of Gleichen,
Lord of Langenburg & Kranichfeld)
Ludwig-Friedrich-Karl(1723-1805) [1765-1805]

(1764 HRE Princes)
(HRE Prince of Hohenlohe,
Count of Gleichen,
Lord of Langenburg & Kranichfeld)
[Hohenlohe, Langenburg] 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Christian-Albrecht (1726-July 1789) [1765-1789]
Karl-Ludwig (1762-1825) [1789-1806]

1805 new Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Öhringen}
(1764 HRE Princes)
(HRE Prince of Hohenlohe;
Count of Gleichen;
Lord of Langenburg, Kranichfeld)
[Hohenlohe] 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Heinrich-August (1715-1796) [1743/81-1796]
Friedrich-Ludwig (1746-1818)[1796-1806]

(1764 HRE Princes)
(HRE Prince of Hohenlohe;
Count of Gleichen;
Lord of Langenburg, Kranichfeld)
[Hohenlohe] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
[Gleichen : under overlordship of Saxony-Gotha]
Christian-Friedrich-Karl (1729-1819) [1767-1806]

(1744 HRE Princes.
1746 Estate of the Franconian Imperial Circle in the bench of Princes)
* ------------------
* (Princes)
(HRE Prince of Hohenlohe & Waldenburg-Bartenstein;
Count of Limburg, Sontheim, Groningen;
Lord in Oehringen, of Langenburg, Kranichfeld, Ober- & Niederbronn)
[Hohenlohe] 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
[Limpurg-Speckfeld] (+ $)1804
Ludwig-Leopold (1731-1799) [1763-1798]
// 1777-1798 in Limpurg-Speckfeld
Ludwig (-Alois) (1765-1829) [1798-1806]
// 1798-1804 in Limpurg-Speckfeld

{1803 Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Jagstberg}
(The sovereign branch was established in 1803)
(HRE Prince of Hohenlohe;
Count of Waldenburg;
Lord of Langenburg)
* ------------------
[Haltenbergstetten, Laudenbach] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
[Jagstberg, Braunsbach, Neuenkirchen] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Karl-Joseph (1766-1838) [1803-1806]

(1744 HRE Princes)
* ------------------
* (Princes)
(HRE Prince of Hohenlohe;l
Count of Waldenburg;
Lord of Schillingsfürst & Langenburg)
[Hohenlohe, Schillingsfürst] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Karl-Albrecht I (1719-1793) [1753-1793]
Karl-Albrecht II (1742-1796) [1793-1796]
Karl-Albrecht III (1776-1843) [1796-1806]

- Hohenzollern [I] * ^

- Holstein [I] * ^

- Isenburg / Ysenburg [II] *

- Kaunitz [II] ^

- Kirchberg-Farnrode 1799(#)
(A noble family. Non-immediate Burgraves of Kirchberg.
1675/1715 immediate Counts of Sayn)
(Burgrave of Kirchberg,
Count of Sayn and Wittgenstein,
Lord of Farnrode)
Johann-August (1714-1799) [1777-1799]
Louise (1772-1827) [1799-]
~ 1788 Friedrich-Wilheln Prince of Nassau-Weilburg (1768-1816)

- Königsegg / Koenigseck [II] *
(An ancient immediate family. Immediate Lords of Königsegg.
1629 HRE Counts)

(HRE Count of Königsegg & Rothenfels,
Baron of Aulendorf & Stauffen,
Lord of Ebenweiler & Wald in Swabia)
[Königsegg, Aulendorf] 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Ernst (1755-May 1803) [1786-1803]
Franz-Xaver-Karl (1787-1863) [1803-1806]

(HRE Count of Königsegg & Rothenfels,
Baron of Aulendorf & Stauffen)
[Rothenfels, Stauffen] 1804(- $)(Austria)
Franz-Fidelis-Anton (1750-1804) [1772-1804]

- Leiningen (Linange) [II] *
(An ancient immediate comital family (Saarbrücken). Counts of Leiningen)
(Count of Leiningen & Dagsburg,
Lord of Aspremont, Oberstein, Bruch,
Bürgel & Reipoltskirchen,etc)

{Leiningen-Hardenburg/Hartenburg} ^
(1779 HRE Princes)
* ------------------
* (Princes)
1803 (Prince of Leiningen,
Count-Palatine of Mosbach,
Lord of Miltenberg, Amorbach, Düren, Bischofsheim, Hardheim & Lauda, etc)
[Leiningen, Hardenburg] *(- )
[Dagsburg/Dachsburg (Dabo): under the French overlordship]
* ------------------
[Mainz(Miltenberg, Buchheim, Amorbach, Bischofsheim), Dürn/Düren] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Baden)
[The Rhine Palatinate(Mosbach, Boxberg , Schüpf)] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Baden)
Würzburg(Hardheim/Hartheim, Lauda)] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Baden)
Karl-Friedrich-Wilhelm (1724-1807) [1756-1806]

{Leiningen-Hardenburg in Limpurg-Gaildorf}
[Limpurg-Gaildorf] 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Karoline-Sophie (1757-1832) [1803-1806]
~ 1773 Friedrich-Magnus I (1743-1801) Count of Solms-Wildenfels

{Leiningen-Günthersblum/ 1803 Leiningen-Billigheim}
1803 (Count of Leiningen,
Lord of Billigheim, Allfeld, Mühlbach, Katzenthal, and Neuburg at the Neckar,
Count of Dagsburg & Aspremont)
[Leiningen] *(- )
* ------------------
[Billigheim, Allfeld, Katzenthal] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Baden)
Wilhelm-Karl (1737-1808) [1770-1806]

{Leiningen-Heidesheim/ 1803 Leiningen-Neuburg}
the modern form (Count of Leiningen,
Lord of Herzbolzheim,
Count of Dagsburg & Aspremont)
[Leiningen] *(- )
* ------------------
[Neudenau, Herzbolzheim] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Baden)
Wenzel-Joseph (1738-1825) [1770-1806]

{Leiningen-Dagsburg-Hildesheim} 1766 (#)
(Counts of Leiningen, immediate Lords of Oberstein, Reipoltskirchen, Bruch,etc)
[Leiningen] 1766(+ )
[Bruch /Broich: under overlordship (Oberherrlichkeit) of the Duke of Berg] 1806(-M)(Berg)
Louise(1729-1818) [1766-1806]
~1748 Georg-Wilhelm(1722-1782) Prince of Hesse-Darmstadt

- Leiningen-Westerburg [II] *
(An ancient immediate family (Runkel). Immediate Lords of Westerburg.
1467 (confirmed 1475) Counts of Leiningen)
(Count of Leiningen,
Lord of Westerburg, Grünstadt, Oberbrunn & Forbach)

/Leiningen-Westerburg-Altleiningen/Branch of Christophor}
[Leiningen, Grünstadt] *(- )
[Westerburg, Schadeck] 1806(-M)(Berg)
* ------------------
[Ilbenstadt] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
Christian-Karl (1757-1811) [1770-1811]

/Leiningen-Westerburg-Neuleiningen/Branch of Georg}
[Leiningen, Grünstadt] *(- )
[Westerburg, Schadeck] 1806(-M)(Berg)
* ------------------
[Engelthal] *(+ ), 1804(- $)(Solms-Wildenfels-Wildenfels)
Karl II (1747-1798) [1787-1798]
Karl III (1767-1813) [1798-1806]

- Leyen-Hohengeroldseck [II]

- Liechtenstein [I] ^

- Ligne [III] ^
(A noble family.
Lords, 1492 Barons of Ligne)

(1503 non-immediate Counts of Faucquenberg.
1544 HRE Counts.
1601 HRE Princes.
Immediate Lords, 1770 Counts of Fagnolles.
1786 Estate of the Low Rhine-Westphalian Imperial Circle.
? 1788 (or 1786) Imperial Estate)
* ------------------
* (Princes)
(HRE Prince of Ligne & Amblise/Amblia ,
Margrave of Roubaix/Roubais & Dormans,
Count of Fauquemberghe,
Baron of Werchin, Beloeil, Antoing, Cisoing, Villiers, Silly, Herzelles;
Sovereign of Fagnolles;
Lord of Baudour,Wallincourt, & other lands )
[Fagnolles (1789 Ligne)] *(- )
* ------------------
[Edelstetten] *(+ ), 1804(- $)(Esterházy of Galántha)
Karl-Joseph (1735-1814) [1766-1804]

{Arenberg} see Arenberg

- Limburg-Styrum / Stirum [IV] *
(An ancient immediate comital family(Altena).
Immediate Lords of Styrum)

{Limburg-Styrum in Gemen} 1800 (#)
(1640-1800 immediate Lords of Gemen.
1704 Estate of the Low Rhine-Westphalian Imperial Circle (for Gemen).
1738-1772(?1775) immediate Lords of Illeraichen)
(HRE Count of Limburg-Velen-Stirum,
Ruling Count and Lord of the Imperial immediate Lordship of Gemen,
Lord of Räsfeld, Simonthurn)
Ferdinand-Gottfried-Meinhard(1701-1791) [1781-1791]
// 1738-1772 Lord of Illeraichen
Karl II (1722/23-1798) [1791-1798]
Ferdinand(1785-1800) [1798-1800]

{Limburg-Styrum-Styrum/ Limburg-Styrum-Bronchhorst}
[Oberstein : included in no Imperial Circle] *(- )
[Styrum] 1806(-M)(Berg)
Philipp-Ferdinand (1734-1794) [1760-1794]
// 1760 in Styrum, 1766 in Oberstein
// Claimed the title "Prince of Holstein"
Ernst-Maria(1736-1809) [1794-1806]

{Mark} see Mark

- Lippe [I] *

- Lobkowitz [II] ^
(A Bohemian noble family.
1459 HRE Barons.
.. non-imeddiate Lords of Neustadt.
1624 HRE Princes.
1641 immediate Princely Counts of Sternstein (Neustadt).
1646-1785 non-immediate Dukes in Silesia at Sagan.
1653 Imperial Estate.
1786 non-immediate Dukes of Raudnitz)
1653 (Princes)
(HRE Prince of Lobkowitz,
Duke in Silesia at Sagan,
Princely Count of Sternstein,
Lord of Raudnitz)
1786 (HRE Prince of Lobkowitz,
Duke of Raudnitz,
Princely Count of Sternstein)
[Sternstein] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Joseph (1772-1816) [1784-1806]

- Löwenstein-Wertheim [II] *

- Looz-Corswarem [II] ^
(A noble family in Belgique(Corswarem).
Non-immediate Counts of Looz.
Circa 1300 owners of the County[Sonnenlehen] of Niel.
Claimed the Imperial immediate status for Niel.
1734 non-immediate (in the Austrian Low Countries and the hereditary lands )Dukes of Looz.
1803 immediate Princes of Rheina-Wolbeck)

* ------------------
* (Princes)
1803 (Duke of Looz & Corswarem;
HRE Prince in Rheina-Wolbeck)
[Rheina-Wolbeck (Wolbeck, Beverghern)] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Berg)
Wilhelm-Joseph (1732-1803) [1803-1803]
//1764 Count of Niel
Joseph-Arnold (1770-1827) [1803-1806]

- Manderscheid * 1780(#)
(An ancient immediate family.
Non-immediate Lords of Manderscheid.
1457 HRE Counts.
1468 immediate Lords of Blankenheim)
(Count of Manderscheid, Blankenheim & Geroltstein)
[Blankenheim, Gerolstein/Geroltstein] *(- )
* ------------------
[Schussenried,Weissenau] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Augusta (1744-1811) [1780-1806]
~ 1762 Philipp-Christian Count of Sternberg (1732-1798)

- The Mark / March *
(An ancient immediate comital family (Altena))

{Mark-Lummen/Lumain} 1773(#)
(Non-immediate Barons of Lummen.
1580/1594 immediate Lords of Schleiden.
1713 Estate of the Low Rhine-Westphalian Imperial Circle)
[Schleiden, Saffenburg] *(- )
Ludwig-Peter (1701-1773) [1750-1773]
Louise-Marguerite (1730-1820) [1773-*]
~ 1748 Karl-Maria-Raymund(1721-1778) Duke of Arenberg (see Aremberg)

- Mecklenburg [I] * ^

- Metternich [II] ^
(A noble family.
1616 immediate Lords of Winneburg & Beilstein.
1635 HRE Barons.
1679 HRE Counts.
March 1803 HRE Princes)
1679 (Westphalia)
March 1803 (Princes)
(HRE Count of Metternich-Winneburg & Beilstein,
Count of Konigswert)
[Winneburg/Winnenburg, Beilstein] *(- )
* ------------------
[Ochsenhausen] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Franz-Georg-Karl-Joseph-Johann-Nepomuk(1746-1818) [1750-1806]

- Modena see Este

- Nassau [I] * ^

- Nesselrode [IV]
(A noble family.
1652 HRE Barons.
1698 immediate Lords of Reichenstein.
1702/1710 HRE Counts.
1702 Estate of the Low Rhine-Westphalian Imperial Circle (for Reichenstein).
1702 Imperial Estate: the College of the Counts of Westphalia (for Reichenstein))
[Reichenstein, Landskron, Rhade] (?)1806(-M)
[Mechernich] *(- )
Johann-Franz-Joseph (1755-1824) [1776-(?)1806]

- Nostitz [IV]
(A noble family.
1646 Counts in Bohemia.
1651 HRE Counts.
1673-1803 immediate Counts of Rieneck.
1674 Imperial Estate: the College of the Counts of Franconia (for Rieneck))
(HRE Count of Nostitz and Rieneck)
[Rieneck] 1803(- $)(Colloredo-Mansfeld)
Franz-Anton (1725-1794) [1765-1794]
Friedrich-Johann-Chrysogen (1762-1819) [1794-1803]

- Öttingen [II] *
(An ancient immediate comital family.
Counts of Öttingen)

{Öttingen-Baldern/-Katzenstein} 1798(#)
(Count of Öttingen)
[Dahstuhl] *(- )
Friedrich-Wilhelm-Notger-Joseph (1725-1798) [1778-1798]
Phillipine(-Karoline) (1776-1842) [1798-*]
// in Dahstuhl
~ 1794 Rudolf(-Joseph) (1776-1843) Count(1807 Prince) of Colloredo-Mansfeld

{Öttingen-Spielberg} ^
(Prince of Öttingen)
(1734 HRE Princes)
* ------------------
* (Princes)
[Öttingen] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Johann-Alois II (1758-1797) [1780-1797]
Johann-Alois III (1788-1855) [1797-1806]

{Öttingen-Wallerstein, 1781 Öttingen-Öttingen} ^
(1774 HRE Princes)
(Prince of Öttingen)
* ------------------
* (Princes)
[Öttingen] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Kraft-Ernst-Judas-Thaddaus-Notger(1748-1802) [1766-1802]
Ludwig-Kraft-Ernst-Karl (1791-1870) [1802-1806]

- Oldenburg

- Ortenburg [II] *
(An ancient immediate comital family. Counts of Ortenburg.
1573 confirmed HRE Imperial immediat status)
1805 (Count of Ortenburg,
Count and Lord of Tambach)
[Ortenburg] 1805(- )(Bavaria)
[Tambach] (+ )1805(Bavaria), 1806(-M)(Würzburg)
Joseph-Karl(1780-1831) [1787-1806]

- Ostein 1809(#)
(A noble family.
1712 HRE Counts.
1733/37 immediate Lords of Mylendonk.
1766 Imperial Estate : the College of Westphalia (for Mylendonk)
(HRE Count of Ostein)
[Mylendonk] *(- )
* ------------------
[Buxheim] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Johann-Friedrich-Karl-Maximilian(1735-1809) [1737/42-1806]

- The Palatinate (Pfalz) [I] * ^

- Platen-Hallermund [II]
(A noble family.
1670 HRE Barons.
1689 HRE Counts.
1706 Counts of Hallermund.
1708 Estate of the Low Rhine-Westphalian Imperial Circle (for Hallermund).
1709 Imperial Estate : the College of the Counts of Westphalia)
1709 (Westphalia)
(HRE Count & Noble Lord[Edler Herr] of Platen-Hallermund)
[Hallermund : under control of Brunswick-Hanover]

- Plettenberg 1813(#)
(A noble family.
1722 immediate Lords of Wittem & Eyss.
1724 HRE Counts.
1732 Imperial Estate)
(HRE Count of Plettenberg & Wittem)
[Wittem, Eyss] *(- )
[Slenaken/ Schlenacken] 1771(- $)(Goltstein)
* ------------------
[Mietingen, Sullmingen/Sulmingen] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Maximilian-Friedrich (1771-1813) [1779-1806]

- Prussia (Preussen) see Brandenburg [I] * ^

- Pückler [II]
(A noble family.
1690 HRE Counts.
1740 (? 1748) Imperial Estate.
...immediate Counts of Limpurg-Speckfeld)
(HRE Count of Pückler,
Count and Lord of Limpurg)
[Limpurg-Speckfeld] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Friedrich (-Philipp-Karl) (1740-1811) [1793-1806]
~ 1764 (Juliane-Maria-)Friederike-Amoene (1739-1765) Ctss of Weltz, Ctss of Limpurg-Speckfeld in 1757-1765

Wilhelmine-Henriette-Karoline (1746-1800) [1793-1800]
~ 1772 Johann-Ludwig(1740-1796) Count of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein

- Quadt [II] *
(A noble family.
1493 immediate Lords of Wykradt.
1682 Estate of the Low Rhine-Westphalian Imperial Circle.
1752 HRE Counts)
1803 (HRE Count of[von] Quadt at[zu] Wykradt and Isny,
Count and Lord of the City and of the County of Isny)
* ------------------
[Isny] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Otto-Wilhelm (1758-1829)[1785-1806]

- Rechteren [II]
(A Dutch noble family (Hekeren).
1711 immediate Lords of Limpurg-Speckfeld.
1711 Imperial Estate)
(HRE Count of Rechteren and Limpurg)
[Limpurg-Speckfeld] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Friedrich-Ludwig (1748-1814) [1754/75-1806]
Josine-Elisabeth (1738-1804) [1754-1804]
~1754 August-Wilhelm (1720-1769) Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen

- Reuss [I] *

- Salm [II] *

- Salm-Reifferscheidt [II] *
(An ancient immediate family (Reifferscheidt).
Immediate lords of Dyck.
1456 owners of the non-immediate County of Lower Salm (under overlordship of Luxembourg).
1460 Counts of Salm)

{Salm-Reifferscheidt-Bedbur /
1804 Salm-Reifferscheidt-Krautheim} ^
(1804 HRE Princes)
HRE Ancient Count of Salm & Reifferscheid,
Lord of Dyck, Alfter, Hackenbruck, Bedbur/Bedburg,
Frislal, Raitz, Jedownitz and Blanco)
[Reifferscheidt] *(- )
* ------------------
[Krautheim] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Siegmund (1735-1798) [1755-1798]
Franz-Wilhelm-Joseph-Anton (1772-1831) [1798-1806]

(1816 (Prussian) Princes)
[Dyck: included in no Imperial Circle ] *(- )
Joseph-Franz(1773-1861) [1775-*]

- Saxony (Sachsen) [I] * ^

- Sayn-Wittgenstein [II] *
(An ancient immediate comital family.
Counts of Wittgenstein and (until 1636) Counts of Sayn)

{Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg} ^
(1792 HRE Princes)
(Count of Sayn & Wittgenstein-Berleburg,
Lord of Homburg & Neumagen)
[Wittgenstein(Berleburg)] 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
[Homburg : included in no Imperial Circle] 1806(-M)(Berg)
Christian-Heinrich (1753-1800) [1773-1800]
Albrecht (1777-1851) [1800-1806]

{Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohnstein/Sayn-Wittgenstein-Wittgenstein} ^
(1801 HRE Princes)
(Count of Sayn, Wittgenstein & Hohenstein,
Lord of Homburg, Vallendar, Neumagen, Lohra & Klettenberg)
[Wittgenstein (Wittgenstein)] 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
[Limpurg-Speckfeld] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Johann-Ludwig (1740-1796) [1756-1796]
Friedrich-Karl(1766-1837) [1796-1806]
// 1800-1806 in Limpurg-Speckfeld

{Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohnstein in Limpurg-Speckfeld}
[Limpurg-Speckfeld] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Karoline(1764-1833) [1800-1806]
~ 1785 Karl-Wilhelm-Ludwig(1763-1832) Count of Isenburg-Meerholz

Friederike-Wilhelmine (1767-1849) [1800-1806]
~ 1798 Karl-Ludwig-Wilhelm-Theodor(1720-1799) Count of Salm-Grumbach

Louise(1768-1828) [1800-1806]
~ 1791 Emil(1765-1837) Count, 1817 Prince of Bentheim-Tecklenburg

- Schäsberg [II]
(A noble family.
1637 HRE Barons.
1706 HRE Counts.
1710 immediate Lords of Kerpen & Lommersum.
1712 Estate of the Low Rhine-Westphalian Imperial Circle.
1712 immediate Counts of Kerpen & Lommersum.
1715 Imperial Estate)
(HRE Count of Schäsberg)
[Kerpen, Lommersum] *(- )
* ------------------
[Tannheim] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
August-Joseph-Maria-Karl-Anton (1730-1801) [1768-1801]
Martin-Richard (1778-1856)[1801-1806]

- Schaumburg-Lippe

- Schlitz named (genannt) Görtz [II] *
(A knightly family.
1677 HRE Barons.
1726/1739 HRE Counts.
1804 Imperial Estate)
1804 (Wetterau)
(HRE Count & Lord of Schlitz named of Görtz,
Lord of Schlitz, Wegfurth & Rechberg)
[Knightly possesions (Schlitz)] 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
Georg (1724-1794) [1747-1794]
Karl-Heinrich-Johann-Wilhelm (1752-1826) [1794-1806]

- Schönborn [II]
(A noble family.
1663 HRE Barons.
1671 immediate Lords of Reichelsberg.
1671 Estate of the Franconian Imperial Circle in the bench of Counts.
1701 Imperial Estate.
1701(? 1704) immediate Lords of Wiesentheid.
1701 HRE Counts)
[Wiesentheid] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
[Reichelsberg] 1806(-M)
Hugo-Damian-Erwein (-Franz) (1738-1817) [1772-1806]

- Schönburg [II] *
(An ancient immediate family (Schönburg).
Immediate Lords of Glauchau, Lichtenstein and Waldenburg.
14o6 owners of the county of Hartenstein.
1417/1442 enfeoffed with the county of Hartenstein.
1700 HRE Counts.
1740 the Schönburg lands under overlordship of the Electoral Saxony)

{Schönburg-Waldenburg} ^
(1790 HRE Princes)
(HRE Prince,
Count & Lord of Schönburg,
Count & Lord of Glauchau and Waldenburg and of the Lower County of Hartenstein,
the Lordships of Liechtenstein & Stein)
[Hartenstein, Lichtenstein, Stein, Waldenburg: under overlordship of the Electoral Saxony]
(1790 HRE Princes)
Otto-Karl-Friedrich (1758-1800)
Otto-Victor (1785-1859)
// 1806 in Waldenburg
Friedrich-Alfred (1786-1840)
// 1806 in Hartenstein

[Glauchau : under overlordship of the Electoral Saxony]
//1778 in Rochsburg

Albrecht-Christian-Ernst (1720-1799)
// 1746 in Hinterglauchau
// 1799 in Hinterglauchau

[Glauchau : under overlordship of the Electoral Saxony]
// 1746 in Penig, 1763 in Forderglauchau/Vorderglauchau
// 1800 in Remse and Wechselburg
// 1800 in Penig and Forderglauchau/Vorderglauchau

- Schwarzburg [I] * ^

- Schwarzenberg [II] * ^
(An ancient immediate family.
Immediate Lords of Seinsheim and Schwarzenberg.
1429 HRE Barons.
1599 HRE Counts.
1631-1782 immediate Lords of Neustadt & Gimborn.
1671 HRE Princes.
1674 Estate of the Franconian Imperial Circle in the bench of Princes.
1682 Estate of the Lower Rhine-Westphalian Imperial Circle (for Neustadt & Gimborn).
1702 the College of the Counts of Swabia (for Neustadt & Gimborn).
1723 non-immediate Dukes of Krummau (in Moravia) )
1674 (Princes),(Franconia:2),(Swabia)
* ------------------
(HRE Prince of Schwarzenberg,
Princely Landgrave of Klettgau,
Count of Sulz,
Duke of Krummau,
Lord of Gimborn)
1782 (HRE Prince of Schwarzenberg,
Princely Landgrave of Klettgau,
Count of Sulz,
Duke of Krummau)
[Schwarzenberg] 1806(-M)
[Seinsheim] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
[Klettgau/ Kleggau] 1806(-M)(Baden)
[Neustadt, Gimborn] 1782(- $)(Wallmoden)
Johann-Nepomuk-Anton-Joseph-Joachim-Prokop (1742-1789) [1782-1789]
Joseph-Johann (1769-1833) [1789-1806]

- Sickingen [IV] *
(A knightly family.
1792 Estate of the Swabian Imperial Circle in the bench of Counts.
1793 Imperial Estate)
1793 (Swabia)

{Sickingen-Sickingen} 1834(#)
(1623 HRE Barons, 1773/1784 HRE Counts)
[Knightly possessions (Sickingen) : 1793 in the Swabian Imperial Circle]
Franz-Anton-Joseph (1760-1834)

{Sickingen-Hohenburg} 1932(#)
(1706 HRE Barons.
1790 HRE Counts)
Kasimir-Ferdinand (1745-1795)
Wilhelm (1777-1855)

- Sinzendorf-Ernstbrunn ^ 1822(#)
(A noble family.
1610 HRE Baron of Ernstbrunn.
1648 HRE Counts.
1653 immediate Burgraves of Rheineck.
1803 immediate Burgraves of Winterrieden.
Dec 1803 HRE Princes)
(HRE Count of Sinzendorf & Thannhausen,
Burgrave of Rheineck,
Baron of Ernstbrunn)
Dec 1803 (HRE Prince of Sinzendorf & Thannhausen,
Burgrave of Winterrieden,
Baron of Ernstbrunn)
[Rheineck] *(- )
* ------------------
[Winterrieden] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Prosper (+1822) [1773-1806]

- Solms [II] *
(An ancient immediate comital family.
Counts of Solms)
(Count of Solms,
Lord of Münzenberg, Wildenfels & Sonnenwalde)

{Solm-Braunfels} ^
(1742 HRE Princes)
* ------------------
* (Princes)
(HRE Prince of Solms,
Lord of Braunfels, Grafenstein, Münzenberg, Wildenfels & Sonnenwalde)
[Solms, Grafenstein] 1806(-M)(Nassau)
[Münzenberg] 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
Wihelm-Christian-Karl (1759-1837) [1783-1806]

(4 brothers ruled together from 1783 in Greifenstein and Hungen)
Karl-Ludwig-Wilhelm(1727-1812) [1761-1806]
Wilhelm-Christoph (1732-1811) [1761-1806]
Ludwig-Rudolf-Wilhelm(1733-1809) [1761-1806]
Anton-Wilhelm-Friedrich(1739-1812) [1761-1806]

(Count of Solms and Tecklenburg,
Lord of Münzenberg, Wildenfels & Sonnenwalde)
[Solms, Münzenberg] 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
Friedrich-Ludwig-Christian (1769-1822) [1784-1806]

{Solms-Hohensolms & Solms-Lich} ^
(1792 HRE Princes)
[Solms] 1806(-M)(Nassau)
[Münzenberg] 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
Karl-Christian (1725-1803) [1744-1803]
Karl-Ludwig-August (1762-1807) [1803-1806]

{Solms-Rödelheim/ Solms-Assenheim}
(Wetterau), (Franconia:%)
[Münzenberg] 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
[Limpurg-Gaildorf] 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Ernst(Johann-Ernst-Karl) (1714-1790) [1757-1790]
// 1757-1790 in Limpurg-Gaildorf, 1778-1790 in Solms
Vollrath/Volrath (1762-1818) [1790-1806]

{Solms-Rödelheim/ Solms-Assenheim in Limpurg-Gaildorf}
[Limpurg-Gaildorf] 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Christiane-Wilhelmina-Louise (1736-1803) [1756-1803]
~ 1749 Karl-Friedrich-Wilhelm (1724-1807),Prince of Leiningen

(1804 owners of immediate territory of Engelthal)
[Engelthal] 1804(+ $)(Leiningen-Westerburg), 1806(-M)(Hesse-Darmstadt)
[Wildenfels: under overlordship of the Electoral Saxony]
Friedrich-Magnus II (1777-1837) [1804-1806]

- Stadion [II] 1906(#)
(A noble family.
1686 HRE Barons.
1705 HRE Counts.
1708 immediate Lords of Thannhausen.
1708 Imperial Estate)
(HRE Count of Stadion-Stadion & Thannhausen)
[Thannhausen/Tannhausen] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
[Knightly possessions (Ober-Stadion)]
Johann-Georg (1749-1814) [1785-1806]

- Stolberg [II] *

- Sweden see Holstein

- Thurn & Taxis [II]
(A noble family(Tasso/Tassis))

{Branch of Leonhard(+1612) -- Eugen-Karl(+1714)} ^
(1608 HRE Barons of Taxis.
1624 HRE Counts of Taxis.
1681 Princes of Thurn & Taxis in the Spanish Low Countries.
1695 HRE Princes of Thurn & Taxis.
1704 Estate of the Electoral Rhine Imperial Circle(personal).
1723 immediate Lords of Eglingen.
1726 Estate of the Swabian Imperial Circle in the bench of Counts (for Eglingen).
1728 Imperial Estate: the College of the Counts of Swabia (for Eglingen)
1785 immediate Lords of Friedberg & Sheer.
1786 Princely Counts of Friedberg & Sheer.
1786 Estate of the Swabia Imperial Circle in the bench of Princes)
1754 (Princes),(Swabia)
* ------------------
* (Princes:2)
(HRE Prince of Thurn & Taxis,
Count of Valsassina/Valle-Sassina,
Baron of Impden,
Lord of the free Imperial Lordships of Eglingen & Osterhofen,
of Lordships of Denningen, Dischingen, Trugenhofen,
Ballmertshofen, Duttenstein, Wolfertheim, Rossum & Meusseghem)
1787 + (Princely Count of Friedberg & Sheer)
1803 (HRE Prince of Thurn & Taxis,
Prince of Buchau,
Princely Count of Friedberg & Sheer,
Count of Valsassina, Marchtal and Neresheim,
Lord of the Free Imperial Lordship of Eglingen,
Lord of Ostrach, Schemerberg,
Lord of the Free Lordships of Denningen, Dischingen, Ballmertshofen, Bussen)
[Scheer, Friedberg, Dürmentingen] (+ $)1785, 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
[Eglingen, Denningen, Trugenhofen, Duttenstein, Dischingen] 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
[Knightly possessions (Ballmertshofen)] (+ $)1749
* ------------------
[Buchau, Marchtal, Schremmerberg] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
[Neresheim] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Karl-Anselm (1733-1805) [1773-1805]
Karl-Alexander (1770-1827) [1805-1806]
// 1819 Prince of Krotoszyn in Prussia

- Törring [II]
(A noble family)

{Törring-Jettenbach} 1860(#)
(1566 HRE Barons.
1630 HRE Counts.
1754 immediate Counts of Gronsfeld.
1754 Imperial Estate)
(HRE Count of Törring)
1803 + (Count of Guttenzell)
[Gronsfeld] *(- )
* ------------------
[Guttenzell] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
August-Joseph-Klemens(1728- Aug+1802) [1773-1802]
Joseph-August(1753-1826) [1802-1806]

- Traun see Abensberg-Traun [IV]

- Trauttmansdorff [II] ^
(A noble family.
1598 (in the Austrian hereditary lands) Barons.
1623 /(confirmed)1625 HRE Counts.
1635-1648 immediate Lords of Weinsberg and Neustadt.
1639 Imperial Estate (personalist in the Swabian College).
1778 (re-introduction) Imperial Estate (personalist in the Swabian College).
Jan 6 1805 immediate Lords of Umpfenbach.
Jan 12 1805 Princely Counts of Umpfenbach.
Jan 12 1805 HRE Princes)
1631 (Swabia:personalist)
(HRE Count of Trauttmansdorff & Weinsberg,
Baron of Gleichenberg, Neustadt-on-the-Kosher,Negau,Burgau & Totzenbach)
1805 (HRE Prince of Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg & Neustadt-on-the-Kosher,
Princely Count of Umpfenbach,
Baron of Gleichenberg, Negau, Burgau & Totzenbach)
[Umpfenbach] 1805(+ ), 1806(-M)
Franz-Ferdinand (1749-1827) [1805-1806]

- Waldbott / Wallpott of Bassenheim [II] *
(A noble family.
circa 1480 immediate Lords of Ollbrück)

(1638 HRE Barons.
1652 immediate Lords of Pirmont.
1720 HRE Counts.
1788 Imperial Estate)
(HRE Count Waldbott of Bassenheim)
[Ollbrück, Pirmont/Pyrmont] *(- )
* ------------------
[Hegbach/Heppbach] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
(Johann-Maria-)Rudolf (1731-1805) [1731-1805]
Friedrich-Karl(-Franz-Rudolf)(1779-1830) [1805-1806]

(1828 Barons of Waldbott of Bassenheim in Prussia)
[Ollbrück] *(- )
Klemens-August (1731-1792) [1755-1792]
Maximilian-Friedrich (1764-1823) [1792-*]

- Waldburg [II] *

- Waldeck [I] *

- Wallmoden [II]

- Wartenberg 1818(#)
(A noble family (Kolb of Wartenberg).
1699 HRE Counts.
1705 Imperial Estate : the College of the Counts of Wetterau (for Wartenberg).
170. immediate Counts of Wartenberg)
(HRE Count of Wartenberg)
1806 (HRE Count of Wartenberg-Roth)
[Wartenberg] *(- )
* ------------------
[Roth] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Ludwig (1750-1818) [1784-1806]

- Wied [II] *

- Wild- & Rheingrafen see Salm [II] ^

- Windisch-Graetz / Windischgrätz [II] ^
(A noble family.
1551 HRE Baron of Waldstein and in Thale,
1658 HRE Counts.
1684 Imperial Estate.
1804 immediate Lords of Egloffs.
May 1804 HRE Princes)
(Franconia : personalist)
(HRE Count and Lord of Windisch-Graetz,
Baron of Waldstein & in Thale)
May 1805 (HRE Prince of Windisch-Graetz,
Baron of Waldstein & in Thale)
[Egloff / Eggloff / Egloffs/ Eglofs / Egglofs] (+ $)1804 , 1806(-M)(Württemberg)
Alfred (1787-1876) [1804-1806]

- Württemberg [I] * ^

II. Some Other Reigning Houses in Germany

- Aldenburg 1738(#)
(A bastard branch of An ancient immediate princely family (Oldenburg-Holstein).
1646 HRE Nobility.
1651 immediate Lords of Knyphausen & Varel.
1651 HRE Baron.
1653 HRE Counts)
(HRE Count of Aldenburg,
Lord of the free Lordship of Knyphausen,
Noble Lord of Varel)
[Knyphausen/Kniphausen, Varel]
Charlotte-Sophie Countess of Aldenburg (1715-1800) [1738-1800]
~ 1733 Wilhelm (1704-1774), 1732 Count of Bentinck (see Bentinck)

- Bentinck [II]
(A noble family.
1732 HRE Counts.
1733/1800 immediate Lords of Knyphausen & Varel.
Aug 1806-1807 sovereign Lords of Knyphausen & Varel.
1814/15 Lords of Knyphausen & Varel under the overlordship of Oldenburg)
(HRE Count of Bentinck and Aldenburg,
Lord of the free Lordship of Knyphausen,
Noble Lord of Varel)
[Knyphausen/Kniphausen, Varel] 1806/1807(+ ), (+ ^)
Christian-Friedrich (1734-1768) [1774-1768]
Wilhelm-Gustav-Friedrich (1762-1835) [1768-1806/7; 1814-1835]

- Bonaparte [I]
(A Corsican noble family.
1804 Emperors of the French)

{Branch of Jérôme/Hieronimus}
(1804 French Princes.
Dec 1807-1813 Kings of Westphalia)
1807 (King of Westphalia [Westfalen],
French Prince [Französischer Prinz])
[Hesse, Brunswick, Wernigerode, Hanau, Rietberg, Magdeburg, Schaumburg] 1807(+ ), 1813(- )
[Osnabrück, Halberstadt, Minden, Paderborn, Ravensberg, Herford, Corvey] 1807(+ ), 1813(- )
Hieronymus(Jérôme) (1784-1860) [1807-1813]

{Branch of Louis/Ludwig} 1879(#)
(1804 French Princes.
1806-1810 Kings of Holland.
1809-1813 Grand Dukes of Berg and Dukes of Kleve.
1852-1870 Emperors of the French)
1809 (Grand Duke of Berg ...)
[Berg, Kleve/Cleve, Mark, Münster] 1809(+ ), 1813(- )
[Lingen, Tecklenburg] 1809(+ ), 1810(- )
[Elten, Essen, Werden] 1809(+ ), 1813(- )
Napoleon-Ludwig(1804-1837) [1809-1813]
// July 1810- July 1810 King of Holland

- Croy / Croÿ [II] ^
(A Franch noble family)

1590 non-immediate Counts of Solre in the Spanish Low Countries.
1677 Prince of Solre in the Spanish Low Countries.
1767 non-immediate Dukes of Croÿ in France.
1767 HRE Princes.
1803 immediate Lords of Dülmen)
(Dukes of Croÿ,
HRE Prince)
* ------------------
[Dülmen] *(+ ), 1806(-M)(Arenberg)
Anne-Emmanuel (1743-Dec 1803) [Feb 1803- Dec 1803]
// Prince of Solre
August (1765-1822) [1803-1806]

- Dalberg
(A noble family (Kämmerer of Worms named (genannt) Dalberg).
1803 HRE (secular)Estate.
1803 HRE (secular)Princes-Electors.
1803 immediate HRE Princes of Regensburg, Aschaffenburg,etc
1806 immediate Prince, 1810-1813 Grand Dukes of Frankfurt.
1810 Dukes in the French Empire)
* ------------------
* (Electors), * (Princes:2)
1806 The Confederation of the Rhine (Original Member)
1803 (HRE Prince-Elector,
Archbishop of Regensburg,
Prince of Aschaffenburg & Regensburg, ...)
1806 (Prince Primate [Fürst Primas]of the Confederation of the Rhine,
Sovereign Prince of Regensburg & Aschaffenburg, Frankfurt & Wezlar, &c.)
1810(Prince Primate of the Confederation of the Rhine,
Grand Duke of Frankfurt,
Archbishop of Regensburg,&c.)
* ------------------
[Regensburg] *(+ ), 1810(- )
[Aschaffenburg, Wetzlar] *(+ ) , 1813(- )
[Frankfurt] 1806(+ ), 1813(- )
[Fulda, Hanau] 1810(+ ), 1813(- )
Karl-Theodor (1744-1817) [1803-1813]
// Archbishop of Mainz until 1803, then of Regensburg
// 1806-1813 Prince Primate of the Confederation of the Rhine

- Esterházy of Galántha [II] ^
(A Hungarian noble family.
1613 Barons (in Hungary).
1626 non-immediate Counts of Forchtenstein (in Hungary).
1687(personal)/1712 HRE Princes,
May 1804 immediate rulers of Edelstetten (Dec 1804 Princely County)
Dec 1804 (HRE Prince Esterházy of Galántha,
Princely Count of Edelstetten,
Count of Forchtenstein [Frakno])
[Edelstetten] (+ $)1804 , 1806(-M)(Bavaria)
Nikolaus(Miklós) (1765-1833) [1804-1806]

- Frankfurt see Dalberg

- Goltstein
(1694 HRE Counts.
1771 immediate Lords of Slenaken)
[Slenaken/ Schlenacken] (+ $)1771, *(- )
Joseph-Ludwig-Franz(+1811) [1776-*]

- Hohenems/Hohen-Embs 1759(#)
(An ancient immediate family (Ems).
Immediate Lords of Hohenems.
1560 HRE Counts.
1603 Imperial Estates. Lost this status in 17...
1613-1712 immediate Counts of Vaduz.
Immediate Lords of Lustenau)
(HRE Count of Hohenems,
Lord of Lustenau)
[Hohenems/ Hohen-Embs] 1765(+ )(Austria)
[Lustenau] (?)1806(+ )(Bavaria)
Maria-Rebekka(1742-1806) [1798-(?)1806]
~1761 Franz-Xavier(1732-1782) Count of Harrach, Lord of Kunewald

- Hillesheim/Hillesheimb
(A noble family (Meerscheid named (genannt) Hillesheim))
Barons of Hillesheim.
1712 HRE Counts.
1722 immediate lords of Reipoltskirchen.
.. the Upper Rhine Imperial Circle Estate)
(HRE Count of Hillesheim,
(?)Lord of Reipoltskirchen)
[Reipoltskirchen / Reipoltzkirchen] *(- )
Wilhelm-Ernst-Gottfried (1732-1785) [1776-1785]
Charlotte-Elisabeth-Regina (1728-Aug 1807) [1785-*]

- Murat [III] ^
(A burger family.
March 1804 French Princes.
March 1806 Dukes, July 1806-1808 Grand Dukes of Berg
March 1806-1808 Dukes of Kleve.
1808-1815 Kings of Neapel)
March 1806 (Duke of Kleve & Berg,
Prince of France)
July 1806-1808: (Grand Duke of Berg,
Prince of France)
[Berg, Kleve/Cleve] March 1806(+ ), 1808(- )
[Mark, Münster, Lingen, Elten, Essen, Werden, Tecklenburg] Jan 1808(+ ), 1808(- )
Joachim(1767-1815) [1806-1808]
// July 1808- March 1815 King of Neapel

- Pappenheim [II] *
(A knightly family.
1628 (verbal) /1740 & 1742 (confirmed) HRE Counts)
(HRE Count & Lord of Pappenheim)
[Knightly possessions (Pappenheim)] 1806(-M)
Johann-Friedrich-Ferdinand (1727-1792) [1773-1792]
Friedrich-Wilhelm (1737-1822) [1792-1797]
Karl-Friedrich-Theodor (1771-1853) [1797-1806]

- Parkstein
(A bastard branch of An ancient immediate princely family(Bavaria & Palatine).
1776 HRE Counts of Parkstein.
1777 immediate Lords of Reipoltskirchen)
[Reipoltskirchen / Reipoltzkirchen] *(- )
Karolina-Franziska-Dorothea (1762-1816) [1777-*]
// a natural daughter of Karl-Theodor, Elector & Count-Palatine
~ 1776 Friedrich-Wilhelm (1730-1804) Prince of Isenburg-Birstein

- Regensburg see Dalberg

III. The Personalists
The Noble Houses with the right of personal vote in the Imperial Assembly,
without representation in the Assemblies of the Imperial Circles

- Giech [II]
(A noble family.
1680 HRE Barons.
1695 HRE Counts.
1720-1723 immediate Lords of Wittem.
1726 Imperial Estate)
(Count of Giech,
Lord of Thurnau, Buchau)
[Knightly possessions (Thurnau): 1796 under overlordship of the Electoral Brandenburg ]
Christian-Friedrich-Karl (1729-1797)
Karl-Christian (-Ernst-Heinrich) (1763-1818)

- Grävenitz [II]
(A noble family.
1707 HRE Counts.
1718-1731 immediate Lords of Welzheim.
1726 Imperial Estate)
(HRE Count of Grävenitz)

- Harrach of Thannhausen [II]
(A noble family.
1552 HRE Barons.
1627 HRE Counts.
1752 Imperial Estate)
(HRE Count of Harrach at[zu] Rohrau & Thannhausen,
Lord of the County of Rohrau,
Baron of Prugg & Pürrheinstein)

- Khevenhüller-Metsch [II] ^
(A noble family.
1566 HRE Barons of Landskron & Wernberg,
1725 HRE Counts.
1737 Imperial Estate.
1751 HRE Princes)
(HRE Prince of Khevenhüller-Metsch & Aichelberg,
Count of Hohen-Ostrowitz/Hochosterwitz,
Baron of Landskron & Wernberg,
Hereditary Lord of Riegersburg, ...)
Johann-Sigismand-Friedrich (1732-1801)
Karl-Maria-Joseph-Johann-Baptist-Clemens (1756-1823)

- Küfstein of Greillenstein [II]
(A noble family.
1602 HRE Barons.
1709 HRE Counts.
1737 Imperial Estate)
(HRE Count of Küfstein,
Baron of Greillenstein & Spitz,...)
Johann-Ferdinand III (1752-1818)

- Neipperg [II] *
(A knightly family.
1726 HRE Counts.
1766 Imperial Estate)
(HRE Count & Lord of Neipperg)
[Knightly possessions (Schwaigern, Klingenberg, Massenbachhausen, Adelshofen)]
Adam-Adalbert (1775-1829) [1792-1806]
~1821 Marie-Louise(1791-1847),Duchess of Parma, Archduchess of Austria

- Orsini/Ursin-Rosenberg [II] ^
(A noble family (Rosenberg).
1633 HRE Barons of Lechrenau.
1648 (in the Austrian hereditary lands) Counts.
1681 HRE Counts.
1683 Imperial Estate.
1790 HRE Princes)
(HRE Prince of Orsini & Rosenberg,
Baron of Lerchenau & Grafenstein)
Wolfgang-Ernst (+1796)

- Rechberg-Rothenlöwen [II] *
(A knightly family.
1601 HRE Barons.
? 1613 Imperial Estate.
1810 Bavarian Couns)
(Baron of Rechberg at[zu] Hochenrechberg)
[Knightly possessions (Hohenrechberg)] 1806(-M)
Maximilian-Emmanuel(1736-1819) [1745-1806]

- Rosenberg see Orsini/Ursin-Rosenberg

- Starhemberg [II] ^
(A noble family.
1643 HRE Counts.
1719 Imperial Estate.
1765 HRE Princes)
(HRE Prince of Starhemberg)

- Sternberg 1847(#)
(A Bohemian noble family.
.. HRE Counts.
1752 Imperial Estate)
(Swabia: personalist)
Philipp-Christian (1732-1798)
~ 1762 Augusta (1744-1811) Ctss of Manderscheid (see Manderscheid)

- Waldstein/Valdštejn/Wallenstein [IV]
(A Bohemian noble family(Markwartinger).

(1628 HRE Counts.
1654/ (re-introduced) 1774 Imperial Estate)
(Swabia: personalist)
Johann-Vincenz-Ferrerius (1731-1797)
Ernst-Philipp (1772-1813)

- Wurmbrand-Stuppach [II]
(A noble family.
1607 HRE Barons.
1701 HRE Counts.
1726 Imperial Estate)
(Franconia: personalist)
(HRE Count of Wurmbrand-Stuppach,
Baron of Steyersberg, Reittenau, ...)
Gandakkar-Thomas (+1791)
Gandakkar (1762-1847)

IV. The Silesian Dukes

- Münsterberg & Frankenstein

- Auersperg [II]
(1654-1791 non-immediate Dukes in Silesia at Münsterberg).
Before 1791(HRE Prince of Auersperg,
Duke of Silesia at[zu] Münsterberg & Frankenstein,
Princely Count of Thengen,
Count of Wels & Gottschee,
Lord of Schönberg & Seissenberg, etc)
Karl-Joseph-Anton (1720-1800)

- Öls & Bernstadt

- Württemberg-Weiltingen 1792(#)
(1647/1648 non-immediate Dukes in Silesia at Öls)
(Duke of Württemberg & Teck, in Silesia, Öls, Bernstadt,
Count of Mömpelgard,
Lord of Heidenheim, Sternberg, Medzibor)
Karl-Christian-Erdmann (1716-1792)
// 1744-1792 in Öls, 1744-1792 in Bernstadt

- Brunswick [I]
(1792 non-immediate Dukes in Silesia at Öls )
Friedrich-August (1740-1805)
// 1792-1805 Duke in Silesia at Öls
Friedrich-Wilhelm (1771-1815)
// 1805-1815 Duke in Silesia at Öls
Karl III (1804-1873)
// 1815-1824 in Öls

- Teschen

- Lorraine-Habsburg [I] & Saxony[I]
(1722 non-immediate Dukes in Silesia at Teschen (as compensation for Montferrat))
Franz-Stephan of Lorraine(1708-1765)
// 1729-1765 Duke of Teschen, 1745 Roman Emperor as Franz I
Maria-Christina of Lorraine (1742-1798)
// 1765-1798 Duchess of Teschen , 1781-1793 Stattholter of the Low Countries
~ 1766 Albrecht of Saxony(1738-1822)
// 1798-1822 Duke of Teschen , 1781-1793 Stattholter of the Low Countries
Karl of Lorraine(1771-1847)
// 1822-1847 Duke of Teschen

- Sagan

- Lobkowitz/Lobkowicz [II]
(1646-1785 non-immediate Dukes in Silesia at Sagan.
Before 1785(HRE Prince of Lobkowitz,
Duke in Silesia at Sagan,
Princely Count of Sternstein,
Lord of Raudnitz)
Joseph (1772-1816)

- Biron [III]
(A noble family.
1730 HRE Counts.
1737-1795 Dukes of Courland & Semigalia (vassals of Poland).
1785 non-immediate Dukes in Silesia at Sagan)
(Duke in Livonia at Courland & Semigalia, & in Silesia at Sagan,
[Herzog in Livland zu Kurland & Semgallen, & in Schlesien zu Sagan],
Free-Estate-Lord [Freier-Standes-Herr] of Wartenberg, Bralin & Goschütz)
Peter (1724-1800)
// 1769-1795 Duke of Courland and Semigalia.
// 1785 Duke of Sagan

- Troppau & Jägerndorf

- Liechtenstein [I]
(1613 non-immediate Dukes in Silesia at Troppau.
1623 non-immediate Dukes in Silesia at Jägerndorf)
(HRE Prince of Liechtenstein,
Duke in Silesia at[zu] Troppau & Jägerndorf,
Count of Rietberg)
Alois I Joseph (1759-1805)
Johann I Joseph (1760-1836)


The Co-rulers of the Immediate County of Limpurg

(Limpurg was an Imperial immediate Lordship. There were two major branches of the ruling family : Limpurg-Gaildorf and Limpurg-Speckfeld.
Both branches received the Imperial comital title. After the Limpurg family became extinct its possessions were inherited by several families, which jointly ruled the Lordship. Heirs to the Limpurg family had two voices in the College of Franconia in the Imperial Assembly.
By 1806 Württemberg had acquired some parts of Limpurg. In July 1806 Limpurg was mediatized by Württemberg).

A. Limpurg-Gaildorf

Ernst(Johann-Ernst-Karl) (1714-1790) [1757-1790]
Vollrath (+1818) [1790-1806]

Christiane-Wilhelmina-Louise (+1803) [1756-1803]
~ Karl-Friedrich-Wilhelm Prince of Leiningen(+1807)

Karoline-Sophie (+1832) [1803-1806]
~ 1773 Friedrich-Magnus I (1743-1801) Count of Solms-Wildenfels

Augusta (1771-1810) [1803-1806]
~ 1792 Wilhelm-Christian-Karl(1759-1837) Prince of Solms-Braunfels

Johann-Friedrich-Wilhelm (+1802) [1762-1802]
Karl-Wilhelm-Ludwig (+1832) [1802-1806]
Joseph (+1822) [1802-1803]
Luise (+1826) [1802-1806]
~ Alexander Count of Pückler(+1820)
Christine (1742-1808) [1762-1802]
~ Friedrich(+1771) Count of Waldeck

Karl (+1849) [1788-1806]
Georg (+1826)[1788-1806]
Karoline (+1820) [1788-1806]

Karoline (+1801) [1774-1801]

B. Limpurg-Speckfeld

1.Hohenlohe-Bartenstein 1804(- $)(Colloredo)
Ludwig-Leopold (1731-1799) [1777-1798]
Ludwig-Alois (1765-1827) [1798-1804]

2.Colloredo (+ $)1804
Franz-Gandakkar (+1807) [1804-1806]

Johann-Ludwig-Vollrath (1705-1790) [1746-1790]
Friedrich-Ludwig (1706-1796) [1746-1796]

Johann-Karl-Ludwig (1740-1816) [1786-1806]

Karoline-Christine (+1793) [1746-1793]
~ Count Christian of Pückler (+1786)

Friedrich-Philipp-Karl (1740-1811) [1793-1806]
Wilhelmine-Henriette-Karoline (+1800) [1793-1800]
~ Johann-Ludwig Count of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein(+1796)

Friedrich-Karl (+1837) [1800-1806]
// Count,1801 Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein

Karoline(+1833) [1800-1806]
~ Karl-Wilhelm-Ludwig Count of Isenburg-Meerholz(+1832)

Friederike-Wilhelmine (+1849) [1800-1806]
~ Karl-Ludwig-Theodor Count of Salm-Grumbach(+1799)

Louise(+1828) [1800-1806]
~ Emil Prince of Bentheim-Tecklenburg(+1837)

Ludwig-Maximilian (II) (+1821) [1800-1806]

Friedrich-Ludwig (1748-1814) [1754/75-1806]
Josine-Elisabeth (1738-1804) [1754-1804]
~1754 August-Wilhelm (1720-1769) Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen