Copyright © V. Rozn 1999-2010
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Last updated: June 1, 2010
The House of Baden descended from the ancient
immediate Dukes of Zähringen [10: Neue Folge; Band I.2; t.265-274] [12:
1839; p.13-17].
In 1061, Berthold / Berchtold I of Zähringen
(+1078) was made Duke of Carinthia. In 1073, Bertold I lost Carinthia when he
joined a rising against Emperor Henry IV. Bertold II (+1111) and Hermann I
(+1074), Berthold I's sons, founded two branches of the family.
Bertold II took the title of Duke of
Zähringen. The dicrect branch of the Dukes of Zähringen ruled until
its extinction with the death of Duke Berthold V in 1218 (N.1).
Hermann I (+1074), a son of Berthold I, Duke of
Zähringen, became Margrave of Verona.
Hermann II (+1130), a son of Margrave Hermann I,
received Baden, his mother Judith's inheritance, and founded the House of
Hermann V (+1243) and Heinrich I (+1231), the
sons of Margrave Hermann IV of Baden, founded, respectively, the branches of
Baden and Hochberg (N.2).
Margrave Hermann V of Baden (+1243) continued the
direct branch of Baden.
The sons of Margrave Christof I of Baden (+1515),
divided his lands and founded new branches of the House: Bernhard (+1536)
founded the Catholic branch of Baden-Baden that became extinct in 1771; his
brother Ernst (+1552) founded the Protectant branch that later became known as
In 1771, Karl-Friedrich (+1811), Margrave of
Baden-Durlach, united all of the lands of the House of Baden.
In 1803, the Final Recess of the Imperial
Deputation gave the Margrave of Baden the Dignity of Prince-Elector of the
Holy Roman Empire.
In Jan 1806, the Elector of Baden took the
title of Duke of Zähringen.
In July 1806, the Elector of Baden became
a sovereign ruler, when he left the Holy Roman Empire and joined the
Confederation of the Rhine as founding member with the new title of Grand
Duke of Baden.
In 1815, the Grand Duke of Baden joined the
German Confederation.
In 1871, the Grand Duke of Baden joined
the German Empire.
In the course of the November Revolution of
1918, the Grand Duke of Baden was deposed.
1.Adalbert I (+after 1195), a younger son of Duke
Berthold IV of Zähringen (+1186), founded the branch of the Dukes of Teck
that ruled in Teck until the Duchy was ceded to the Counts of Württemberg
in 1381. The Teck branch became extinct with the death of Ludwig VI in
2. Heinrich III (+1330) and Rudolf I (+before
1314), the sons of Margrave Heinrich II of Hochberg (+1297/98), founded two
sub-branches. Heinrich III continued the direct Hochberg sub-branch that became
extinct in the male line in 1418. The Sausenberg sub-branch, founded by Rudolf
I, became extinct in in the male line 1503, and its possessions passed to the
Margraves of Baden.
3. Leopold I (+1852), Grand Duke of Baden, was
the first son of Margrave Karl-Friederich of Baden (+1811) by his second wife
Luise-Karoline (+1820), Baroness Geyer of Geyersberg. Since Luise-Karoline was
not of equal birth with the Margrave, their children were incapable of
inheriting their father's status. Luise-Karoline and her children were given the
titles of Baron and later Count of Hochberg. In 1817, Grand Duke Karl of Baden
(+1818), who faced the extinction of the ruling House of Baden, issued a new
succession law under which the Barons of the Hochberg received full dynastic
rights. In 1830, Leopold succeeded as Grand Duke of Baden in
List of the Rulers
Karl-Friedrich (1728-1811) [1738-1811]
Karl (1786-1818) [1811-1818]
Ludwig I (1763-1830) [1818-1830]
Leopold (1790-1852) [1830-1852]
Ludwig II (1824-1858) [1852-1856]
// Regents: 1852-1856 Friedrich I (1826-1907)
Friedrich I (1826-1907) [1856-1907]
Friedrich II (1857-1928) [1907-1918]
Margrave of Baden, Hochberg,
Landgrave of Sausenberg,
Count of Sponheim &
Lord of Röteln, Badenweiler, Lahr, Mahlberg,
1803-Dec 1805
Margrave of Baden, Hochberg,
The HRE Prince-Elector;
Count-Palatine of the Rhine;
Landgrave of Sausenberg;
Prince of Bruchsal, Ettenheim, Konstantz,
Count of Eberstein, Odenheim, Gengenbach, Salem,
Lord of Röteln, Badenweiler, Lahr, Mahlberg,
Lichtenau, Reichenau, Öhningen;
Jan 1806- July 1806
Margrave of Baden, Hochberg,
The HRE Prince-Elector;
Duke of Zähringen;
Count-Palatine of the Rhine;
Landgrave in Breisgau, of Sausenberg,
Prince of Bruchsal, Ettenheim, Konstantz,
Count of Eberstein, Odenheim, Gengenbach, Salem,
Lord of Röteln, Badenweiler,
Hohengeroldseck, Lahr, Mahlberg, Lichtenau, Reichenau,
Grand Duke of Baden;
Duke of Zähringen;
Overlord & Hereditary Lord of
Fürstenberg, Baar, Stühliugen, Heiligenberg, Hausen, Möskirch,
Hohenhöwen, Wildenstein, Waldsberg, Leiningen, Mosbach, Miltenberg,
Amorbach, Düren, Bischofsheim, Hartheim, Lauda, Klettgau, Thengen,
Krautheim, Wertheim, Neidenau, Billigheim, Hägnau;
Grand Duke of Baden;
Duke of Zähringen;
Landgrave of Nellenburg;
Overlord & Hereditary Lord of Baar,
Stühlingen, Heiligenberg, Hausen, Möskirch, Hohenhöwen,
Wildenstein, Waldsberg, Mosbach, Düren, Bischofsheim, Hartheim, Lauda,
Klettgaus, Krautheim, Wertheim, Neidenau, Billigheim;
Count of Hanau;
Grand Duke of Baden;
Duke of Zähringen;
Landgrave of Nellenburg;
Count of Hanau;
Grand Duke of Baden;
Duke of Zähringen;
Landgrave of Nellenburg;
Count of Salem, Petershausen,
Grand Duke of Baden;
Duke of Zähringen;
Voices in the Imperial Circle assemblies in
The Upper Rhine:
= The Bench of Secular
- Sponheim;
= The Bench of Secular
- Baden-Baden;
- Baden-Durlach;
- Hochberg;
= The Bench of Counts &
- Eberstein;
Voices in the Imperial Assembly in 1789
Individual voices in the Council of
- Baden-Baden;
- Baden-Durlach;
- Hochberg;
Curial voices in the Council of Princes:
= the Counts of Swabia =
- Eberstein;
Territorial Possessions in 1789 [7:
The Imperial Circle of
- Baden;
- Hochberg / Hachberg;
- Sausenberg;
- Röteln / Rötteln;
- Badenweiler;
- Eberstein;
- Mahlberg;
- Kehl;
The Imperial Circle of the Upper Rhine:
- % Sponheim / Spanheim;
The Knightly Circle of the Rhine: [3:
Abtheilung I; Band II; p.264]
- Martinstein;
The Imperial Circle of
= under the Territorial Supremacy of Luxembourg
(Austrian) =
- Rodemachern;
- Hesperingen;
Voices in the Imperial Assembly in 1803
(Changes by the Final Recess of the Imperial
Voices in the Council of
- Baden;
Individual voices in the Council of
- Bruchsal;
- Ettenheim;
- Constance / Konstanz;
- Baden-Baden;
- Baden-Durlach;
- Hochberg;
Territorial Acquisitions and Losses since
- In 1793, the French armies occupied Sponheim.
- In 1795, the French armies occupied the
possessions in Luxembourg.
- In 1796, the Treaty of Paris recognized these
territorial losses.
- In 1803, by the Final Recess of the Imperial
Deputation, the Elector of Baden acquired % the Rhein Palatinate (Heidelberg,
Mannheim, etc.), % Hanau-Lichtenberg (Lichtenau, Willstätt), Lahr, the
territories of the former Ecclesiastical Estates: % Basel (Schliengen), %
Constance, % Speyer (Bruchsal, etc.), % Stassburg (Ettenheim, etc.), Odenheim,
Gengenbach, Salem / Salmansweiler, Petershausen, Reichenau, Öhningen, etc.;
the former Imperial Cities of Offenburg, Zell, Gengenbach, Überlingen,
Biberach, Pfullendorf, and Wimpfen; etc.
- In Dec 1805, by the Treaty of Pressburg the
Elector of Baden acquired Breisgau and Ortenau.
- In July 1806, by the Confederation of the Rhine
Act, the Grand Duke of Baden acquired Bandorf, and Heitersheim, and mediatized
the lands of the Princes of Fürstenberg, of Nassau-Orange (Hagnau), of
Leiningen, of Auersperg (Thengen), of Salm-Reifferscheid (% Krautheim), of
Schwarzenberg (Klettgau), etc.; and the lands of the Counts of
Leiningen-Neuburg, and of Leiningen-Billigheim; and possessions of Imperial
Knights in Swabia.
- In 1810, the King of Württemberg ceded to
the Grand Duke of Baden some territories including Nellenburg, Gutenstein,
Stteten, etc.
- In 1817, the Grand Duke of Baden annexed
Hohengeroldseck, a former sovereign possession of the Prince of the
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