List of Houses
Copyright © V. Rozn 1999-2009
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the author
Last updated: Dec 3, 2014
The House of Löwenstein-Wertheim is a
natural branch of the House of Bavaria-the Palatinate [10: Band V; t. 65-72] [9:
1944; p.244, 246] [13: tome IV; p.46-54].
Ludwig (+1524), the founder of the House of
Löwenstein-Wertheim, was an illegitimate son of Elector-Count Palatine
Friedrich I (+1476) and Klara Tott. Ludwig was legitimated by the subsequent
marriage of his parents.
In 1476, Ludwig received the Imperial
immediate territory of Scharfeneck [10: Band V; t. 65].
In 1488, Ludwig received the County of
Löwenstein [10: Band V; t. 65].
In 1494, the Roman King Maximilian I
granted Ludwig (+1524) the title of Count [13: tome IV; p.46] [9: 1944;
In 1504, during the Landshut War of Succession,
the Duke of Württemberg occupied the County of Löwenstein, and in
1510, Count Ludwig recognized Territorial Supremacy of Württemberg in
Löwenstein [22: p.73, 85] [3: Abtheilung II; Band I; p.319] [13: tome IV;
In 1581, Count Ludwig III of Löwenstein
(+1611) became co-owner of the Imperial immediate lands of Wertheim,
Breuberg, etc and the non-immediate lands in Luxembourg (N.1) [13: tome IV;
In 1613, the Roman Emperor granted to the
Counts of Löwenstein the title of Count of Wertheim [8: Band 3;
Christof-Ludwig (+1616) and Johann-Dietrich
(+1644), the sons of Count Ludwig III (+1611), founded, respectively, the
branches of Virneburg and Rochefort.
1. In 1567, Ludwig III (+1611), Count of
Löwenstein, married Anne, a daughter of Count Ludwig of Stolberg, and the
heir to Wertheim, Breuberg, Rochefort, etc.
1. Virneburg (Freudberg since
1803) -1806] [9: 1944;
(+1616), a son of Count Ludwig III (+1611), founded the branch of Virneburg
(since 1803 named Freudberg [13: tome IV; p.332]).
1593, Elizabeth of Manderscheid (+1626), a wife of
Christof-Ludwig (+1616), Count of Löwenstein & Wertheim,
succeeded in the Imperial
immediate County of Virneburg [13: tome IV; p.52].
Count Heinrich-Friedrich of
(+1721), married Amoene-Sophia
(+1746), who inherited a part of the Imperial immediate County of
In July
1806, the Counts of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg
lost their status of Imperial
immediate rulers when all of their possessions were mediatized by the
Confederation of the Rhine Act [2: p.157].
In 1812, the King of
Bavaria granted the title of Prince to the Counts of
1. Karoline-Christine (1719-1793), a daughter of
Count Johann-Ludwig-Vollrath of Löwenstein-Wertheim (+1790) and the wife
(since 1737) of Count Christian of Pückler (1705-1786), ruled in a
portion of Limpurg in
List of the Rulers
Johann-Ludwig-Vollrath (1705-1790) [1721-1790]
~ Friederike (+1786), Countess of
Johann-Karl-Ludwig (1740-1816) [1786-1806]
// 1786 in Limpurg-Speckfeld-Sontheim, 1790 in
Wertheim, Vierneburg, etc.
Friedrich-Ludwig (1706-1796) [1721-1796]
Friedrich-Karl-Gottlieb (1743-1825) [1779-1806]
Count of Löwenstein, Wertheim, Rochefort,
Virneburg, Montaigu, Limpurg;
Overlord / Oberherr of
Lord of Scharfeneck, Breuberg, Herbimont,
Voices in the Imperial Circle assemblies in
1789 [2: p.13-14]
The Lower
- Virneburg;
= The Bench of Counts &
- % Wertheim;
Voices in the Imperial Assembly in 1789
[2: p.8-9]
Curial voices in the Council of Princes:
= the Counts of Franconia
- % Limpurg-Speckfeld;
= the Counts of Westphalia
- Virneburg;
Territorial Possessions in 1789 [2: p.57]
[3: Abtheilung I; Band I; p.199] [7: p.50]
The Imperial Circle of
- % Wertheim;
- Breuberg;
- % Limpurg-Speckfeld;
The Imperial Circle of the Lower
- Virneburg;
The Knightly Circle of Franconia: [3:
Abtheilung I; Band II; p.244, 248]
- Hirschlanden & Buch;
- Wenkheim;
- Wickenstein;
The Imperial Circle of Swabia:
= under the Territorial Supremacy of
Württemberg =
- % Löwenstein;
Territorial Acquisitions and Losses since
1789 [13: tome IV; p.331] [11: Heft II; p.151] [22: p.73, 85]
[3: Abtheilung II; Band I; p.319].
- In 1794, the French armies occupied the County
of Virneburg.
- In 1801, the Treaty of Lunéville
recognized the above-mentioned territorial losses.
- In 1803, by the Final Recess of the Imperial
Deputation the Counts of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Virneburg / Freudenberg
acquired Freudenberg am Main, Grünau, Triefenstein, Montfeld, Nauenberg,
Treenfeld and Wessenthal, and ceded Gerichstetten
- In 1803, the Counts of
Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg ceded Gerichstetten.
2. Rochefort (Rosenberg since
1803) -1806] [9: 1944; p.244,
Johann-Dietrich (+1644), a son of Count Ludwig
III (+1611), founded the branch of Rochefort (since 1803 known as
In 1711, the Roman Emperor granted
Maximilian-Karl (+1718), Count of Löwenstein & Wertheim, the title of
Prince (primogenit.) [8: Band 3; p.156].
In 1712, the Roman Emperor granted
Maximilian-Karl (+1718) the title of Prince for all of his
descendents.[8: Band 3; p.156].
In 1751, by agreement the Prince of
Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort ceded Rochefort, Montaigu, Ochamps and other
lands in Luxembourg to the House of Stolberg [14: partie I;
In 1768, the branch of Rochefort introduced the
succession by primogeniture.
In 1786, the Prince of
Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort inherited the County of
Püttlingen / Puttelange [13: tome IV; p.334].
In 1803, by the Final Recess of the
Imperial Deputation, the Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg
(Rochefort) received an individual voice in the Council of Princes of the
Imperial Diet.
In July 1806, the Prince of
Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg lost his status of Imperial immediate
ruler when all of his possessions were mediatized by the Confederation of
the Rhine Act [2: p.157].
List of the Rulers
Karl (1714-1789) [1735-1789]
Konstantin (1762-1814) [1789-1806]
Voices in the Imperial Circle assemblies in
1789 [2: p.13-14] [6: p.692-694]
= The Bench of Princes:
- Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort
= The Bench of Counts &
- % Wertheim;
Voices in the Imperial Assembly in 1789
[2: p.8-9]
Curial voices in the Council of Princes:
= the Counts of Franconia
Territorial Possessions in 1789 [2:
p.16-17, 21, 57] [3: Abtheilung I; Band I; p.199] [7: p.50]
The Imperial Circle of the Upper
- Püttlingen /
The Imperial Circle of
- % Wertheim;
- Breuberg;
The Knightly Circle of Franconia: [3:
Abtheilung I; Band II; p.246-247]
- Rosenberg;
The Knightly Circle of the Rhine: [3:
Abtheilung I; Band II; p.266]
- Scharfeneck / Scharffeneck;
The Imperial Circle of Swabia:
= under the Territorial Supremacy of
Württemberg =
- % Löwenstein;
The Imperial Circle of
= under the Protection / Schutze of
Luxembourg (Austrian) =
- Chaisepierre / Chassepierre;
- Cugnon;
= under the Territorial Supremacy of Luxembourg
(Austrian) =
- Herbimont;
- % Neufchâteau;
= under the Territorial Supremacy of Namur
(Austrian) =
- Agimont;
Voices in the Imperial Assembly in 1803
(Changes by the Final Recess of the Imperial
Individual voices in the Council of
Territorial Acquisitions and Losses since
1789 [13: tome IV; p.334] [11: Heft II; p.118-119] [22: p.73,
85] [22: p.73, 85] [3: Abtheilung II; Band I; p.319]
- 1794, the French armies occupied immediate
territories of the Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort on the left bank
of the Rhine (Püttlingen, Scharfeneck, etc.).
- 1795, the French armies occupied all
possessions of the Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort in Luxembourg
and Namur.
- In 1801, the Treaty of Lunéville
recognized the above-mentioned territorial losses.
- In 1803, by the Final Recess of the Imperial
Deputation the Counts of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg acquired
Würth / Wörth, Trennfurt / Trennfurth, Rothenfels, Bronnbach, Neustadt
am Main, Holzkirchen, Homburg am Main, Talheim / Thalheim, Widdern,
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12. Petit, Roger. Administration des
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14. Petit, Roger. Administration des
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